Love this, Steve. I hate how people see minorities as monoliths. I have very interesting conversations with some friends on disciplining kids. Teaching in Baltimore City, you see all sorts of stuff for how people discipline their kids, and I've seen my fair share of beatings by some parents in public. You get into some really political gray areas there. At one level, if you intervene, you're stopping what most people these days call child abuse. On another level, there's a racial component of a non-Black person policing how a Black parent parents their children, which is inherently kind of racist.
As an Asian-American, I see the juxtaposition between old school and new school, especially in immigrants. Values like discipline, conformity, and needing everyone to be a doctor or engineer are not shared as much in my generation, but that's the way my parents see the world. But we're not monoliths and never will be.